There was once a time i bragged about being the best when it came to baking the red velvet cake. I knew the recipe in and out. When asked about how to prepare it, i was quick to answer! I was really really confident until i was asked to bake it!! I knew what to do but had no idea how to do it! I had all the ingredients but i had no idea how to put everything together to make that red velvet cake i knew so well in my head.
Where am i going with this?
Where am i going with this?
Many of us know the scriptures so well, we know what God has freely given to us. We quote them so well but happen to not have all those things(healing, peace, joy etc)
Many of us know who we are in Christ but somehow do not allow those characteristics to manifest. Its like knowing you are a woman but deciding to not dress like one.
Many of us know who God is and we speak so much about putting our trust in Him, we speak so much about how Hes our provider but when we are down to nothing, we forget the very God we told the nations about and start running around like headless chickens.
I have experienced one of the above and I got to learn that as much as you have the theory (knowledge), the fact that you dont apply it or allow it to manifest hinders you! # Lets start practicing what we preach- moving from just knowing the theories to the practicals
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