Friday, 29 April 2016


I was just thinking the other day about how i have stopped writing. I was looking forward to sharing my thoughts and my days basically. I never thought my second blog this year would be about something so unfortunate. So many great things have been happening and my fingers were looking forward to having a workout on my keyboard but unfortunately, they had to do a workout that is undesirable but somehow healing.

This week i faced a tragedy that my heart never expected. A dear friend passed away. I remember when i got the text.... My heart was in disbelief. I somehow convinced myself that it was all just a dream, a dream i want to wake up from and never have again.  My heart became numb; i felt deoxygenated and somehow was in another world, a world that only functioned how i wanted it to. The pain was not so bad because i was somehow overwhelmed by a cloud of denial. Unfortunately this bubble of denial ruptured when my eyes beheld the very place where my friend had his last breath!

The view he had last is a view that paralyzed my mind. Tears expressed themselves and had no intention of holding themselves back! His image and his memories re-played themselves in my head and somehow were what was on my mind all week. Death is something one can never be prepared to face! If i was a soldier then i would know that this is a war that no one can ever be prepared to face, no matter how many times you train yourself! 

Death you have taken away a friend.
You have stolen a brother to a girl who saw him as more than a brother.
You have snatched a man who was changing the world with his personality and was surely going to impact the world in the greatest of ways if only you had given him a chance. 
Death you have stabbed our hearts so deeply that no coagulating agent can stop the bleeding.
Death you have added more wealth to the cemetery because a young man has rested before he could fully explore himself and be the change his heart desired.

The past few days have been just that! Days! They carried no emotions and I felt like I was going through them but in the form of a zombie! My heart has been pierced! Pierced so much that all I can do is cry because when death has taken, it does not return. It is not like repentance, you can’t stumble and return.

Today I woke up and needed the tightest of hugs, I wanted God himself to come in the physical and embrace me. I wanted Him to tell me it was going to be okay and that my friend will be returned! I wanted so much from Him and questions recited themselves before Him and Him being a great Father, He spoke to my heart..... He told me that all will be well. That the Holy Spirit within me will comfort and strengthen me. I had so many questions but then i remembered that His will is just that! His! 

After this short conversation with God, I felt strengthened. The pain did not cease but i know it will get better.  I know that my tears will continue flowing but after sorrow comes Joy. I know he(my friend) does not want us to cry all year without getting back on our feet again. I know he wants us to find peace again and to accept that he is no more!

If you are going through what I am going through, don’t turn to alcohol or anything to try silence the pain but rather turn to God! He will strengthen you and give you peace that surpasses all understanding. I will continue to celebrate the life of my friend and be grateful that I still have life. I will continue to laugh at his jokes that somehow always put a smile on my face, i will continue to treasure the phone calls we had to a point where i needed to remind him that i had to study, I will continue to treasure the greatness and the love you poured out to us all.

A person may leave us in the physical but the great times we had will forever be embedded onto our hearts.

Remain in God and He will bring about the healing your heart and mind need.

May your soul rest in Peace dear friend. We will forever love you and treasure you