Saturday, 1 August 2015

A relationship with God!

 As i was having supper the other day, i started thinking about the relationships i have with my friends. I started thinking about how good or bad they are and if we spoke or opened up to each other enough to actually call what we have a relationship.
I normally like defining terms before i go deeper into them just to make sure we are all on the same page. A lot of people have different definitions of what relationships are but i will just try keep it short. A relationship is the way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected. From this definition we can draw that for a relationship to occur, there needs to be a connection. This connection is what gives birth to intimacy which simply means to be close to someone.
What i realised about some of my friends is that:
v  We are open to each other
v  We allow ourselves to be vulnerable
v  We Depend on each other
v  We Share things
v  We give
v  We are always there for each other. Through good and bad times
v  We encourage each other
v  We pray together and study together
v  We show  a level of commitment to our friendship

There are so many things i have come across pertaining my friendships and luckily for me, the above mentioned have kept us together as friends. An intimate relationship in which we know  and love each other , is precious, fulfilling and it is a gift from God. It is God giving a slice of Himself to us.
So why not have the whole cake as well?
I have come to realise that for a relationship to work , it requires two people to make it work. For our relationship with God to really grow in intimacy it requires pretty much what we give into our friendships, just on a deeper level.
  • .        We need to be open with God

It is great to know that we are loved by God. Its great to acknowledge the fact that before the world knew us, He knew us. He preciously knitted us in our mothers wombs and ensured that a treasure like you and i can glow right before everyone.  This is love right?
Have you ever lived with someone you are not open with? Someone you hardly talk to? It is not so great, there are too many awkward moments and being with that person is not that fun. We need to get to a level where we understand that God is our father and like He said, He will never leave nor forsake us. WE need to be transparent with Him. By doing this ,not only do we lift the burden off our shoulders but we also create a platform of communication where we can hear Him speak directly into our lives and situations.  Instead of running to the phone, run to the throne. You will get more peace there. Having an intimate relationship with God requires us to put feelings and experiences into words .  
  •   e  We need to depend on God and allow Him to be in control

I have realised that as much as we want to be the ones behind the wheel, we need to actually allow God to be in control. He is the manufacturer of the car (you) so He definitely knows how to take you to where you need to be  at the right time. Allowing someone to be in control involves you depending on them and for you to do so, it requires you to trust that person. Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding:in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight”. I am sure you now see that Trusting in the Lord = Your paths being straight.
  • .        We need to be able to Share with God.

This is pretty much the same as being open with God. We need to be vulnerable and open with Him. We need to give Him the deepest parts of who we are- Our affections, our hopes, our fears, our dreams and our secrets. To be able to share our inner world with God is really rewarding and it results in growth. It allows Him to remind us that we have not been given the spirit of fear, It allows Him to help us overcome, it allows Him to show us who we really are because when our inner world is not in sync with who we really are, it messes up with our true image. Just like pouring flavoured water into a still water bottle, it somehow makes one think that the water being contained has no flavour.
  • .        We need to allow God to be there for us

I remember last year, i had to repeat a module. I wanted to hide myself from the face of the earth because i had failed and disappointed those who believed in me. I cried a lot until i stood up and told myself “You are a woman of courage, a conqueror and a victor in Christ. Get up and draw strength from God”. These sounded like mere words but they went a long way. God strengthened me and gave me the wisdom and pwer to throw that stone at Goliath without missing.  In our weaknesses we need to allow Him to strengthen us , in our addictions we need Him to help us overcome, In our insecurities, we need Him to bring about reassurance and remind us of who we are. Having fallen once should not push you away from God but should bring you closer. God is there for you and i, we just need to allow Him to take His position and do so.

  • .       We need to pray and read the Word

Praying functions just like an umbilical cord. The same way it connects the mother and child, is the way it connects us and God. What does an umbilical cord do you may be asking, in the placenta, oxygen and nutrients from the mothers bloodstream pass into the babys bloodstream through the umbilical cord.  Not only does prayer connect you to God but it also provides nutrition to our being and keeps us strong. Prayer creates a personal experience with God and to make this experience more fruitful, we need to read the word. The very way the manual to a new phone, allows you to explore more about the phone, is the same way the word works.  You enjoy it and get to know God and yourself better.     

  • .        We need to show commitment

A relationship requires commitment from two people, it requires both parties to give time to each other and it requires both parties to learn to prioritise.  We need to be committed to the things of God. We need to be willing to give our time to God.  We need to be willing to be of service and to learn to serve God wholeheartedly. The truth is, God is the one who holds true life and giving our lives to Him , enables us to find the true life.  Commitment is crucial and trust me, God proved His commitment the moment He gave His only begotten son to die for our sins.  Joshua Harris wrote “The joy of intimacy is the reward of commitment"
Let us move from  hearing about God to knowing God personally. The deepest and most meaningful of intimate relationships is the one between